- There are 3 objects/pieces: circle, cube, and triangle.
- They can only be placed vertically in a box in this order circle, cube, and triangle. So circle will always be on layer 1, cube will always be on layer 2 and triangle will always be on layer 3. A box reference to a box of layers 1,2,3.
- You get to place one object at a time and then it's the opponents turn.
How to win
- You can win by getting a vertical or horizontal diagonal or in-box streak.
- The vertical or horizontal and diagonal streaks consist of the same type of piece, while the in-box streaks consists of 3 in a row with all of the different types of pieces.
- You need to get two streaks to win.
IMPORTANT: In the example pictures the in-box streaks will be referred to as vertical streaks while the outer-box streaks will be referred to as horizontal streaks
Example of outer-box (horizontal) streak
Example of in-box (vertical ) streak
Overlapping pieces
- You can put the same type of piece over your opponent's piece if it's not a triangle or if it does not have anything above it. (This is called overlapping)
- You can't get a outer-box streak with overlapping pieces.
- You can get a in-box streak with overlapping pieces.
- You can overlap your opponent's streak, but the point your opponent got from the streak will not go away.
- You cannot overlap overlapped pieces
Exmaple of invalid overlapping outer-box (horizontal) streak
Example of valid overlapping in-box (vertical) streak
You have to press the restart button two times to restart. And some times after playing a couple of games the scoring system will just bug out but yeah, just refresh the site if that happens.